Newspaper "Soviet Sport" | Nab.

Newspaper "Soviet Sport"

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Newspaper "Soviet Sport"

Newspaper "Soviet Sport"

"Soviet Sport" – Daily Soviet and Russian newspaper; The oldest of the currently emerging sports periodic publications in Russia, noting the next year its century.

On July 7, 1922, the first release of the news of the Izvestia of Sport, who two years later was transformed first to the magazine "Red Sport", and then in a regularly emerging newspaper with the same name.

In March 1946, the publication acquired its modern name, under which millions of readers know it for 75 years.

Soviet times – the heyday of the publication. The main editors of N.I. Lyubovirov, V.A.Novokoltsev, N.S. Kiselov on the pages of the newspaper created a whole information kaleidoscope of events, highlighting more than 70 sports, gaming and individual.

The newspaper, which in the daily (since 1957) format tells about all the most interesting and significant events of world and domestic sports.

Olympic Games (Winter and Summer), World Cups, Europe and Soviet Union.

Tables, people, events, facts, unique photos. The publication provides the newspaper strip as the tribune to famous athletes, writers, travelers, cosmonauts that share their reflections on the development of domestic sports.

Writing about sports has always seemed happiness. Because if you do not understand anything in it – it will not work, but if you understand, you are already in the game, you can't live without it.

Polyista and you are an electronic binder of the newspaper (it was Nab for the first time in the history of our country, it took up the digitization of this superpopular publication) and simplify the well-known and legendary world events in the online sport mode.

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