Without Cavorda until the 1990s. In China, as in some countries of Eastern Europe, there was amateur sports, but there was no professional sport. In 1994, the first began to appear in the PRC

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Until the 1990s. In China, as in some countries of Eastern Europe, there was amateur sports, but there was no professional sport. In 1994, the first professional football clubs began to appear in the PRC. This example was followed by basketball, volleyball, table tennis and checkers. It is the statement of sports for professional rails contributes to the flourishing of sports in China: the Association of Sports China stood on the path of self-sufficiency and independence. Basically formed a system of sports clubs, the championships of professional clubs turned into a large-scale market, generally improved the atmosphere of the development of sports movement, the commercialization of sports was carried out. Professionalism promotes the formation of the sports market and the sports industry. Sports clubs are directly related to economic activities – from cash selling, advertising business, transition of teams from the league to the league and the transition of players from the team to the team, the organization of commercial matches and up to the transfer of the right to telecast.

Another result of the professionalization is the participation of Chinese athletes in foreign tournaments of professionals, such as basketball player Yao Mines plays for the Houston team in NBA, Jan Chen's football players and Sun Jihai were invited to European teams, etc.

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